Friday, August 5, 2011

Oh my, oh my, what a year!!

As my facebook status says this morning, "It's hard to believe this time last year it was a rainy day to start our wedding weekend and I had just finished the hardest semester of nursing school yet.. who would've thought in a year's time we'd be preparing for our BIGGEST blessing and excitement to date, the same weekend a year later! We can't wait to hold you and just stare at you sweet Karris :) :) You will be the best anniversary gift in this world!" - that about sums it up! Looking over this past year, I have gone from engaged to married to now expecting this sweet baby girl. Add that on top of finishing nursing school, clinicals and working full time - you can ONLY imagine why these past 4 days without working have seemingly driven me to the brink of insanity MAJOR boredom. :) Just kidding. I seem to always find something to clean or organize. I know I can drive poor Daniel nuts sometimes with this. But, can't be too prepared! On that note, since I started ths blog in December - I am going to add a few wedding pictures from August 7, 2010 :) Can't believe it's been a year. I am so blessed with an amazing husband who is the hardest worker I know and who is so sweet and loving. I know that I can be hard to live with sometimes with my OCD and criticism - but Daniel is so laid back it really balances out my highstrung energy!

First picture after saying I do!

Wedding Shower in July 2010
On to Karris - MAYBE this will be my last post before she gets here :) :) I hope so! her official due date, as I have mentioned before is August 14. But since she has always measured 2 days earlier, I usually catch myself saying August 12. (Which is a WEEK away!!!!) She DID flip back we confirmed at the 37 weeks appointment. Which was a week and a half ago. This past Tuesday, at the 38 week, my doctor was out delivering (wish it was me!) so I saw his partner for the first time. She confirmed Karris is still head down, so that is wonderful news. I doubt she will flip within the next week or so. It is probably a little too tight in there now! BUT, the ultrasound tech said the fact she has flipped 3x since 32 weeks is HIGHLY unusual too, so she laughed when I asked if she was there to stay. I have faith that she is though. I wasn't dilated or anything this week at the doctor, so Karris is holding on. I have started to have some mild contractions in the past few days - but nothing too exciting to call the doctor just yet.
Updated pic of the nursery - from my phone, so not very clear!

This was me way back 3 weeks ago at 36 weeks haha. As you can see I am way bigger!

Other than all of this, we are so ready. I got to meet my friend Ava's sweet baby boy, Seven Reed Doutt last week and also got to see him at lunch yesterday. He is precious and SO tiny. I am so glad to have gotten to hold and spend time with him, because honestly it had been awhile since those labor & delivery clinicals last fall. It is amazing how fast they grow in such a short time. Aside from Seven, I have had 5 other friends have babies in the past month! 4 boys and 2 girls and all the babies are healthy and the mommies are too. I am ready to jump on the mommy wagon. (As if you can't tell!) I have to also post a picture of something that Daniel's sweet aunt made for us - she made Karris a blanket out of different fabrics and used Daniel's grandmother, Elyse's. old thread to sew her blanket! Grandma Elyse passed away 10 years ago and her husband, Daniel's grandfather, passed away this past Tuesday. This is the first grand & greatgrandchild for both of our families, so we have looked at it as with death comes new life, and his granddad probably wanted to be with his grandmother to see the arrival of their first great-grandchild together. :)

This is baby Seven! He is smiling :) He was a week and a half old here - precious!

Blanket made by Aunt Barbara with Grandma Elyse's thread - means so much to us!

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